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Showing posts from November, 2021

Judy Mikovits PhD; Antidote for Vaxxine Toxin and Warns Against Dangerous Fake One

Dr Judy Mikovits joins Ann Vandersteel, who asks her whether COVID-19 is a real virus. Dr Judy, who worked at Fort Detrick and who worked for years with Anthony Fauci at NIH replies, "No, COVID-19, the disease is not caused by SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus. "SARS-CoV-2 is not a real human virus, it's a monkey virus grown in the vero monkey cell line, always has been, just as SARS was created in that cell line and the variants are in that cell line. "So the disease, COVID never satisfied any of Koch's Postulates or the Hill's Criteria for a causative agent of a disease, because in order for the virus, SARS-CoV-2 to have caused COVID, everybody with evidence of infection has to have disease. "And what we know is, essentially, nobody with evidence of infection by that fraudulent PCR test – that is not testing for SARS-C0V-2 – and PCR does not test for an infectious virus. "Nobody's sick. This has a 99.7% survival rate, so there's no such thing as...

The Spartacus Letter

My name is Spartacus, and I’ve had enough. We have been forced to watch America and the Free World spin into inexorable decline due to a biowarfare attack. We, along with countless others, have been victimized and gaslit by propaganda and psychological warfare operations being conducted by an unelected, unaccountable Elite against the American people and our allies. Our mental and physical health have suffered immensely over the course of the past year and a half. We have felt the sting of isolation, lockdown, masking, quarantines, and other completely nonsensical acts of healthcare theater that have done absolutely nothing to protect the health or wellbeing of the public from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Now, we are watching the medical establishment inject literal poison into millions of our fellow Americans without so much as a fight. We have been told that we will be fired and denied our livelihoods if we refuse to vaccinate. This was the last straw. We have spent thousands of ho...